April CellCheck Tip -Are you interested in a free mastitis consult?


Hopefully the weather will have picked up when you are reading this as it has been a challenging Winter and Spring, which might make you open to hearing some good news.

Following the positive feedback and results from farmers that have participated in CellCheck Dry Cow Consults, the CellCheck team have developed a consult to help farmers that are having difficulty in managing mastitis and SCC levels on their farm. 2022 saw the introduction of a new TASAH-funded in-lactation consult called ‘Cell Count Solutions’, as a pilot programme. We are happy to say that further funding is available, enabling a national roll out of this consult. As mastitis is a multifactorial problem it benefits from a multidisciplinary approach. This new consult is an opportunity to commence the process of mastitis problem-solving using a multidisciplinary team. It is also important to remember that there is no quick fix to resolving mastitis issues and this consult is a first step in ongoing multi-disciplinary engagement and support.

Although the TASAH-funded consult is vet-led, a key objective of the consult is to identify other on-farm service providers, such as farm advisors, milk quality advisors and milking machine technicians with whom the farmer already has a relationship and to kick-start a collaborative approach to addressing mastitis. There are no eligibility criteria for farmers to participate in this consult. It is targeted at herds with an SCC above 200,000 cells/ml and/or are struggling to manage mastitis in their herds.

Farmers can register through the AHI website and select their preferred, trained veterinary practitioner and choose the additional service providers (milk quality advisor, farm advisor, milking machine technician), who will also have the option and ideally be involved in the consult while also providing ongoing support to the farmer.
The goals of the consult are to work with you the herdowner, to:

  • Initially assess the herd mastitis situation, based on available information and data and propose some early remedial actions.
  • Identify and understand the economic opportunity and potential from improving mastitis control on-farm.
  • Identify and agree mastitis-related goals and develop a detailed plan, for both further investigation and monitoring of the herd’s mastitis situation.

To register, click HERE 

First Published 9 April 2024

Tagged with: Dairy


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